I.S. EN 206 Accreditation

Exciting News!

We are thrilled to announce that we have received our accreditation indicating conformity to I.S. EN 206:2013+A2:2021 from National Standards Authority of Ireland.

This recognition is a testament to the dedication and hard work of our amazing Creative Concrete staff. Achieving this milestone is a true reflection of our commitment to quality and excellence.

What does the Standard do?

I.S. EN 206-1 demands greater clarity on elements essential to quality, durability and consistency such as:

  • Consistency of mix
  • Grade or compressive strength class as it is defined in the Standard.
  • The Standard also explicitly addresses the following design elements:
  • Gathering information relating to structural and fire design
  • Determining the intended working life
  • Identifying relevant exposure classes
  • Identifying other requirements for the concrete (e.g. aesthetic considerations; minimising cracking; coping with temperature extremes, etc).

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